mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022

RUBRICA | Teaser Tueasday #18


Teaser Tuesday è un'idea del blog Should be Reading, è una rubrica che si tiene di martedì. Per parteciparvi basta seguire le seguenti regole.

  • Prendi il libro che stai leggendo e aprilo ad una pagina a caso; 
  • Condividi un breve spezzone di quella pagina senza fare spoiler 
  • Scrivi il titolo e l'autore

She looks marginally relieved. When we leave the infirmary, I’m greeted by a cheer—Faris, Dex, Tristas, Demetrius, Leander—hooting and banging me on the back. 
“I knew the bastards wouldn’t off you—” 
“Cause for celebration, let’s smuggle in a keg—
“Back up,” Helene says. “Let him breathe.” She’s interrupted by the thudding of the drums. All new graduates to training field one for combat practice immediately. The message repeats, and groans and eye-rolling abound. 
“Do us a favor, Elias,” Faris says. “When you win and become grand overlord, get us out of here, will you?” 
“Oi,” Helene says. “What about me? What if I win?” 
“If you win, then the docks get shut down and we’ll never have any fun again,” Leander says, winking at me.

An Ember in the Ashes, Sabaa Tahir

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