martedì 11 gennaio 2022

RUBRICA | Teaser Tuesday #17


Teaser Tuesday è un'idea del blog Should be Reading, è una rubrica che si tiene di martedì. Per parteciparvi basta seguire le seguenti regole.

  • Prendi il libro che stai leggendo e aprilo ad una pagina a caso; 
  • Condividi un breve spezzone di quella pagina senza fare spoiler 
  • Scrivi il titolo e l'autore

But the sweetest incident of Anne's sojourn in Bolingbroke was the visit to her birthplace—the little shabby yellow house in an out-of-the-way street she had so often dreamed about. 
She looked at it with delighted eyes, as she and Phil turned in at the gate. 
"It's almost exactly as I've pictured it," she said. "There is no honeysuckle over the windows, but there is a lilac tree by the gate, and—yes, there are the muslin curtains in the windows. How glad I am it is still painted yellow." 
A very tall, very thin woman opened the door. "Yes, the Shirleys lived here twenty years ago," she said, in answer to Anne's question. 
"They had it rented. I remember 'em. They both died of fever at onct. It was turrible sad. They left a baby. I guess it's dead long ago. It was a sickly thing. Old Thomas and his wife took it—as if they hadn't enough of their own." 
"It didn't die," said Anne, smiling. "I was that baby."

Anne of the IslandL. M. Montgomery

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